Will there be no gasoline at Ukrainian gas stations in the near future? Expert’s answers

Will there be no gasoline at Ukrainian gas stations in the near future? Expert’s answers

Fuel is one of the main concerns of millions of Ukrainians. Winter is outside, and electricity is extremely unstable these days, and it’s getting worse every day. Generators are our salvation. But they do not run on air, but on fuel (gasoline, diesel). That is why people buy fuel in large volumes, in order to have at least some source of energy in case of a blackout.

Will Ukraine face a lack of fuel? The question was answered by Serhii Kuyun, Director of the A-95 Consulting Group.

According to him, there is no shortage of fuel. On the contrary, supplies have increased by almost 40% compared to June this year. There is no rush among drivers either. Fuel is available at all network gas stations, and prices do not go up.

Where to buy gasoline in bulk?

But if you’re worried that the fuel really for some reason may not be there, then we can help you with that. The company UNTK is engaged in the supply of gasoline in bulk throughout our country. Unlike other companies, we do not have one European supplier, which can fail. The load is distributed, so our customers will not be left without fuel in any case.

By buying gasoline in bulk, you will be insured in case of a total blackout.

UNTK is Ukraine.